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Housing Options for a Better Future

The Housing Authority of the County of Jackson offers rental assistance programs for low to moderately low income families within Jackson, Roane, Gilmer and Calhoun Counties. This Agency has two public housing complexes. The Rolling Meadow Village complex which is located in Fairplain, WV and the Tanglewood Villa complex which is located in Ripley, WV. The Rolling Meadow complex is a family complex that was built in 1982. It consists of 10 1-BR, 29 2BR, 28 3BR and 4 4-BR townhouses. Within Rolling Meadows there are two playgrounds, several basketball hoops and it's within walking distance for many job opportunities. The Tanglewood Villa complex that was built in 1985 is more directed for the elderly and disabled persons, consisting of 74 1-BR units. Tanglewood Villa has a laundry facility within the complex. This Agency also administers the Housing Choice Voucher Program formerly known as the Section 8 Program. The HCV program is for families who wish to rent from landlords in the private market within Jackson, Roane, Gilmer and Calhoun Counties.

Housing Choice Voucher

About Us

The Housing Authority of the County of Jackson is a private, nonprofit group in Jackson, West Virginia, chartered by the State of West Virginia. We offer housing and rental rates for affordable housing options. Our goal is to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing for families of Jackson, Roane, Gilmer, and Calhoun Counties, to the best of our abilities—without discrimination or limitation of available resources.

Our organization exists to provide more opportunities for better living conditions for low to income residents. We offer housing vouchers, as well as our two apartment complexes that are based on income. rental rates are calculated by the fair market rent schedule, and participating landlords can receive federal funding in the form of rent payments.


Mission Statement

Our mission is outlined in federal registration, and US Public Housing and Urban Development guidelines and directives.